Woburn Friends of VNA Hospice Care 16th Annual "Step Out for Hospice"Woburn Friends of VNA Hospice Care
16th Annual “Step Out for Hospice”
5-mile Road Race
3-mile Health Walk
1-mile Fun Run

Sunday, October 6, 2013
Woburn Irish American Club

The Walk/Run began at 11:30 am at the Woburn Irish American Club and continued around Horn Pond, followed by live music, refreshments, beer, popcorn, hotdogs, raffles and more.

Team Metropolitan participated in the 16th annual “Step Out for Hospice” event on Sunday, October 6, 2013.  The drizzly conditions didn’t prevent the walkers/runners from giving their all, as over 150 of them participated.  The opening National Anthem was sung so beautifully that several listeners were overheard saying they were given chills.  Chills may have been in the air at the end of the day by the dropping temps, but the warm chowder, live music, refreshments and cheer allowed the  mission of VNA Hospice Care (www.vnahospicecare.org) to come through;  a successful day for public awareness and support of Hospice Care.


Woburn Friends of VNA Hospice Care 16th Annual "Step Out for Hospice"

MHHS Owners from left to right: Nicole R. Arpiarian, Sonya N. Arpiarian,
Yvonne A. Arpiarian, Roslyn D. Arpiarian

Woburn Friends of VNA Hospice Care 16th Annual "Step Out for Hospice"

MHHS Owners from left to right: Sonya N. Arpiarian,
Yvonne A. Arpiarian, Roslyn D. Arpiarian


Our Location

297 Broadway
Suite 222
Arlington, MA 02474

Get in Touch

Phone: 781-643-9115
Fax: 781-643-3522
Or send us an Email

We offer our services by the hour, day, or week.

These professional services can be delivered to you or your loved one in the:

  • Home
  • Assisted living facility
  • Rehabilitation center
  • Nursing home
  • Hospital

We are an approved provider of home care for:

  • Long-term care insurers
  • Area hospice organizations
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts/Executive Office of Elder Affairs

We accept payment through:

  • Private health insurance
  • Long-term care insurance
  • Workers compensation insurance
  • Private pay

Please complete the form below and we will contact you soon.