Staffing Coordinator, Martha
Estriplet and Outreach Coordinator, Roslyn Arpiarian at ElderFair 2015
On April 15, 2015, Metropolitan Home Health Services, Inc. was part of the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services ElderFair–Health & Wellness Expo. This ElderFair was an exciting and informative event for seniors and
their caregivers in Somerville, Cambridge and Surrounding communities. It
featured scores of exhibitors, health and wellness information, free health
screenings, resources, exhibitor giveaways and raffle prizes.
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) is a non-profit organization providing
essential services that promote the dignity and independence of older
adults. Since 1972, SCES has served more than 75,000 clients, the majority
of whom are impoverished and in need of assistance with managing their daily
Visit Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services for more information.